Collection of The Best Free Snowflake Crochet Patterns

Collection of The Best Free Snowflake Crochet Patterns

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Lacy snowflakes have come back recently as a very popular decoration. Recently, you can purchase one or even a beautiful packed set in exclusive shops. However, if you like to make an exceptional Christmas gift, a set of crochet lacy snowflakes will be the perfect choice to make someone you like very happy with a handmade gift. Indeed, feel the best ever joy of giving.


Sun Star Snowflake Free Crochet Pattern

This is a traditional star-shaped snowflake that’s a classic touch on any tree. Undoubtedly, this is a part of some of the most cherished Christmas memories.


Flower Star Snowflake

This beautiful snowflake is full of a wintery chill. Thus, it will be absolutely ideal to put that touch of morning frost on your Christmas tree or wreath. Better still, it could also function very well as a coaster on a beautifully set table.


Chain Loop Snowflake

This delicate piece is a gorgeous, lacy example of where your imagination can take the snowflake theme. Indeed, there is no limit.


Ariel Snowflake

This pattern may look complicated, but it has only only 8 rounds. Since the finished snowflake measures 5 1/2” across, it’s just the right size to decorate a table or a sideboard.


Ariel Snowflake x 6

And here is a very similar one, based on the Ariel motif pattern. However, this beautifully textured snowflake has a lower number of repeats.


Frostvale Snowflake

This one is indisputably one of the most classic ones here. It’s delicate and lacy, and consequently will be a great accent or highlight without taking away from the main decorative theme.


Winter Flower Snowflake

Here is one that’s almost like marine knot work.


Winter Realm Snowflake Free Crochet Pattern

The delicate laciness of these snowflakes is offset by stronger colors. By the same token, these will be great for doing the full gamut of colored snowflakes on a winter sunset – think purples and blues.


Beautiful Lacy Snowflake Ornament Free Crochet Patterns

As a matter of fact, we can’t get enough of classic, lacy snowflakes and here are some more if you can’t get enough of them either.


(Mysterious) Snowflakes

Without reservation, these two-tone snowflakes are some of our favorites. The delicate violet nicely offsets the brilliant white, unquestionably giving them a shimmering, mysterious air.

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